在德國斯圖加特表演藝術與音樂學院任教長達37年的盧德格爾・盧曼教授,是世界頂尖的管風琴演奏家與教育家; 近四十年間,培養出一批又一批優秀的管風琴人才。他來自美國的學生 Mitchell Miller,與本刊聊聊這位泰斗級管風琴大師的點滴趣事!在訪台之際,我們也邀請 Prof. Dr. Ludger Lohmann 分享他的藝術人生!
For me, the move to Germany was the first major change of city in my life. It was exciting and frightening at the same time, as anyone who has picked up their life, packed it into a few suitcases or boxes, and moved to a city thousands (or even hundreds) of miles away could attest to. The excitement was mostly because I had been given the opportunity to study with one of the greatest and most influential teachers in the organ world, Ludger Lohmann.
Prof. Lohmann’s dedication to his students was nothing short of inspiring, as well.
I think one of the most impressive stories I heard about Prof. Lohmann was following a concert tour to China – his flight arrived in Stuttgart at 10 am, where he gathered his bags and took the half-hour train ride into the city center, where a student was waiting for him at 11 am for the first lesson of the week. When I asked him how he manages such a schedule without going insane, he just smiled, winked, and said “a glass of red wine”.
—— Mitchell Miller (感謝柯可心協助訪談拍攝)